What are you grateful for?
Can you think of at least 5 things in your life that you are grateful for?
I hope that you are able this, and I hope its not hard for you to do so.
I have been doing alot of thinking and reading lately and it has come to my attention that we (including me) tend to live our lives complaining about things. It might not be that you are complaining about anything huge, like, I am so over the cold weather, or man I am tired. These are things that we can not change, so why would we waste our energy in putting it out there in a negative way when we could be speaking positively about something that is good in our lives.!
Do you wake up everyday and write down 5 things that you are grateful for? If not, I suggest that you start to do it. What a brilliant way to start your day. Waking up and focusing on the amazing things that you have in your life.
If we start to focus on the positive things we have, then slowly all those toxic negative thoughts will start to disappear.!
Doing this will help you stay on track with your goals. Staying positive and focused will help you reach your goals alot quicker. It really is all about the law of attraction.
Give up complaining, and STOP blaming. The amount of times I have heard people say "this person did this, or the bank has done this, or I am too busy.." You can see where I am heading with this.. blaming people for things we cannot change get us NO WHERE!
Alot of the things we complain about, are to people that cant even help us with the issue. How many times have you whinged about your partner to your best friend.. what are they going to do about it?! Really, shouldn't we be going to the source, that is you, and changing the thoughts and feelings you control to turn the negative situation around.
Relationships are an interesting topic. When we first meet someone, we focus on all the amazing things we love about them and how great they make us feel. Then as time goes on we focus on all the negative things they do. We start to let them riddle the relationship and create a negative vibe between us. Why cant we focus on the things we love all the way through? Don't you think our relationships would only go from strength to strength if we did this?!
We have so many things to be grateful for and I just hope that this blog has inspired you to focus on the positive things you have going for you in your life!
For the next 5 days I am going to attempt to not complain at all. I challenge you to join me on this experiment and see how you feel at the end. I bet you will feel like a new person. But I guess you will have to do it to find out..
Remember the thoughts we have today create the future we will have tomorrow!
Juz :) xx
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