"Take care of your body, its the only place you have to live"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One day at at time

It has been a while since I wrote my last blog, needless to say that this is because I have been caught up in life. Life has been very busy of late and taking the time to actually sit with my thoughts has been the last thing from my mind.
But here I am after a crazy few months about to share where things are currently sitting with me.

2011 has been a roller coaster, I can honestly say that there have been some amazing and very rewarding moments, but there have also been some real lows. I don't want to sit here and rant on about the things that challenged who I am, more the fact that I want you to know that we all have shit to deal with in our lives, we all have times where we ask 'why me'. Just because I am strong and live life with a positive attitude doesn't mean that I never get dealt a bad card.

I am currently sitting in a pretty chilled place, after been head down bum up for the past few years I kind of feel that I am now in a place where I can sit back and see the rest of the year out with no pressure. That pressure comes from no one else other than myself, I am a high achiever and I love to set myself huge goals, I love the challenge of stepping out of my comfort zone and making stuff happen. On the flip side of living this way, it also comes at a price, sometimes you lose perspective of what is real and what is actually happening today, in this moment, I feel like I am living on fast forward a lot of the time and don't actually take the time to enjoy each moment as it happens.

A massive life lesson that hit me round the head just recently was to embrace everyone who is special in your life, make sure that you give those that deserve your love and affection exactly that.. It is easy to get so wrapped up in your own head and all the things you have to do, but what really matters are the people that are standing right in front of you. We have to of course love ourselves first and foremost but to actually feel love from others who are on the receiving end of your love is a pretty special thing that we all take for granted a lot of the time.

I set myself some huge goals this year and I was only able to fulfil a few of them, there are a few that I had to let slide. Setting goals and not achieving them is something that hits me pretty hard and gets me down. So what I have learnt from this experience is that sometimes we are not in control of the 'big' picture, we are merely the drivers of our cars and we have to deal with the car crashes along the way. We may not end up on the road that we expected or wanted to be, but there is a reason that we ended up there. You have to look at the positive in any situation, it may be hard but there is a reason for everything and even in those times when you just want to give up or throw in the towel you have to look within and try to find the positive, because it is there, you just need to trust it.

I trust that the future looks bright, I have some amazing opportunities on the horizon, 2012 is going to be a very different year for me, I have a lot of changes that are going to be taking place, a change in career path been one of them. I will remain in the fitness industry but on a different level, lets just say my dream job has landed in my lap:)
As for 2011, well I am all about saying yes, I am going to take the pressure off myself and have some fun.. Every day I wake up blessed for my loved ones, my amazing friends and my family.. I am so fortunate to live a life that is filled with passion and purpose.

I will leave you with this quote I came up with:

What happened yesterday- who cares. What will happen tomorrow- no one knows. What is happening today - life, so lets live it!!!!!

Justine xx

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