“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
I wanted to open this blog with that quote. Such powerful words with so much truth to them.
On 1/1/11 at 11:11am I sat on the water front and I set my goals for 2011. I did it at that time because I believe that there is something very symbolic with the number 1 aligning.
As I sat there I knew in my heart that there were going to be some HUGE changes ahead. At that time things were unsettled in my stomach and I knew that I was in for a year of change.
Towards the end of last year I had NO idea which path I was going to take.. Things were very hazy! I wasnt sure if I was going to compete again and I really felt that I had no clear direction of how things were going to pan out.
But as I sat there on the waterfront and wrote down my goals it was like a wave of inspiration and determination came over me.
And here we are in June 2011.. 6 months into what has been one of the most defining years of my life thus far.
It hasnt been any easy trot believe me. A break up, moving twice and the devastating earthquakes threatening my loved ones and ruining my home of Christchurch are just a few of the obstacles that I had to over come. There have also been many more life lessons to do with friends, trust, loyalty and forgiveness. These are all life lessons and obstacles that I believe are defining me and have helped me figure out who I really am and who I am becoming.
I now believe that I am on the right track for my next chapter in this crazy thing called life.
My Les Mills career is on solid ground, I am LOVING all the amazing opportunities that been a Trainer and a presenter for RPM, Body Attack and CX30 have given me so far.
I am going to compete again at the end of the year. I cant wait to get back on the stage, I love everything about the journey and am very excited to have the opportunity to get back up there again, this time looking and feeling better than ever before:)
I have an amazing man in my life, one who was my friend through all of the tough times and after the storm had past he was the one solid person left standing there with his arms open wide. He has taught me so much and I cant thank him enough. I feel so blessed to have him in my life, I know that we will achieve amazing things in our life together.
I am at a point right now where it really is all coming together and all my hard work and dedication is paying off. The future excites me more than I can say in words. To do what you LOVE and get recognition for it is the best.
So as I look back on the goals I set myself for 2011 I know I am definitely heading on the right path. This year has made me believe in destiny and to have faith in that everything really does happen for a reason.
Believe in who you are and most importantly trust your gut, don't be afraid of the hardships as they are only cracks in the road on your journey to greatness.
Juzy xx
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